I have traveled to several places alone, but traveling with my sibling is one of my best moments. Traveling with a sibling is a mixed bag. We’re both very experienced at fighting with each other but also know the best ways to bring out a smile. It’s often hard to find a good travel partner, but for me, there’s only one person I love to explore with and, if possible, would take all my holidays with – My Sister.
Here are some of the reasons why I enjoy traveling with my sibling.
- I can be me during the trip, and I know she won’t judge me. I can be childish and silly, or irritable and miserable, my sister will forgive me.
- Even though I haven’t lived with her for so many years, I still know what to expect. We know our weaknesses. She knows that I am a time freak. So she knows I am going to wake her up, and sometimes she would also wake me up early about checking out the sunrise or going somewhere early in the morning.
- From my travel experiences, I understood that I have no tolerance when traveling with friends. I would be polite just because we are a group. I don’t like waiting in one place for more than 2 hours. I want to move on to know something about another place on the list. With my sibling, I have no fear of telling her how much I am enjoying or how much I am not enjoying an experience. I can also tell her to take some photos of me until I get the right photo.
- I am the youngest, so it’s not only she who becomes more responsible. I become responsible too, making sure that we both are moving in the right direction, or waiting at the right boarding gate. It can be reassuring to know that we will try our best to keep ourselves safe, and that I have her back and she got mine.
- I remember when I asked permission for a trip with my friends, my mom asked me a lot of questions. My dad even ticked out the place to see if it was safe. But traveling with my sibling? They approved almost instantly. Sometimes, they are the ones urging me to take her with me on one of my travels.
- As I have mentioned, we both didn't been together for so many years, so traveling gives us time to bond more. Yes, we talk over the phone, but it’s still more satisfying when I see her in person.
- There will be no intentional money talks, no splitting, and no confusion. I can easily plan our budget and can tell them without any hesitation. It’s very easy to discuss money with her and if any of us run out of money, we can easily ask each other.
Traveling with my sister isn’t always fun. We disturb and irritate each other. It can be frustrating. But we are good after a few minutes. We’ll be fine and we are always ready to carry on with our adventure.
Have you ever been on an adventure with your siblings?
If not, try it. It gives you some everlasting memories.
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