What was the specific moment you happened to love travel?
For everyone, it’s a bit different.
For everyone, it’s a bit different.
Some people get bitten by the travel bug at a young age, while others don’t recognize their love for travel until much later in life.
But, no matter how you fall for travel, it has to be pinned for life once you do.
“I was lucky enough to travel throughout my childhood, but it wasn’t until my 20s that I caught the travel bug.
The first time I truly fell head over was when I went on a solo Northeast trip.
During that 10days in the Northeast, I experienced what it was like to live entirely in the present. Instead of wishing to be somewhere else or with someone else, I was completely wrapped and in love with my new surroundings, and every thought about the past or future no longer haunted me. It reminded me of the beauty and simplicity in the smallest, everyday things, and to experience that was even more life-changing!
Even after 1 year later, I still feel like I’m the best version of myself when traveling. It makes me feel gratitude towards the little things, I’m open-minded to the new and unfamiliar, and I can focus clearly on what’s most important in life, rather than the small thoughts that usually consume us on a day to day basis. No matter where I go now, traveling always makes me feel small and humble, and to me, that is the most meaningful way to live life!”
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